Ebay Reseller Services & Verzazio Drop Shipping Program
We also offer reseller and drop shipping services. Many drop shippers world wide have found our drop shipping program on various internet auction sites as useful source for extra income. We have many drop shippers world wide in Asia, Europe and in the United States. World wide shipping as low as $4.95 will ensure competitive edge for your auction business.
1. No investment or money required upfront until you have received payment. No risk involved.
2. You will receive assigned personal Sales Assistant.
3. Unlimited use of images and customer support ( Please advice which image is being used on which auction site so we will not list at the same time).
4. You will list your item(s) selection on Ebay, Yahoo, Bid or Buy or any other local auction site in your country.
5. When you receive payment, you will take your profit, pay for the item to us and we will ship item to your customer under your name. Your customer will not see any logos or any information other than yours. If you would like to use your own logos in invoices, please contact your assigned Sales Assistant.
6. We do not need to have your Social Security number or any other sensitive private information. We recommend you to use Section C / Independent Full Commission Sales Person filing for tax purposes / IRS.
7. The same return policy will apply to your customers as to you. If your customer does not want to keep ordered item, it can be returned for a full refund, including shipping.
8. Popular drop shipping items are evaluated and analyzed every 48 hours. We will never list any item on Ebay the same time when drop shipper is listing or list with the same Gem clarity and quantity as dropper shipper is. F.ex. many popular items, such as, larger Gem Stone Parcels, Rough Emerald Cab Grade Lots, Jewelry or Castings will at the most, be listed only in our own Ebay store. Ebay Store items will not show up on regular Ebay or any other auction site main search listings.
9. You are welcome to customize any item as well. You do not need to sell any lots as is. You can customize any wholesale lots to any size, to any clarity as you find the most competitive for your business. We have large inventory of natural gem stones in various clarities and grades. If your customer prefers larger/smaller quantities with lower or higher clarities than listed on our site, please contact your Sales Assistant for price quote prior submitting your listing.
10. You do not have to reveal us your seller user id from any auction site to ensure your customers also stay as your customers. Please do not ever forward your customers payment to us. Please submit your payment to us via separate payment with item and shipping instructions. Only your customers name, address, item quantity/clarity/details and what to enclose in your invoice is needed. For your business safety, please do not ever reveal auction numbers or user ids from any auction site about you or about your customers.
For further reseller program information please contact: