Real Gem Stones & AGTA American Gem Trade Asc Approved Trade Methods In All Real Gems
Natural gemstones react to heat and are commonly used as standard natural gemstone process from rough form to final jewelry piece. Gemstone is heated to high degrees which is called gemstone heating.
Most real Blue Sapphires today are heated to high degrees during natural faceting process. Anyone claiming that natural mined real Blue Sapphire is not heated during natural faceting process, is something very unusual and highly questionable. Typically when verified such unusual claims, that natural Blue Sapphire Gemstone is not heated or other eccentric index statements, such are 99% of times false claims.
There are many Sapphires that are not heated at some point. However, since a majority of Blue Sapphires are processed from rough to any given jewelry piece today with heat associated, it is highly recommended to verify any unheated advertisements with you local Gemologist. Many like to advertise with unheated false claims knowing that people new with gemstons might think heat is something bad or even fake, while in fact part of the natural gemstone process from rough to jewelry piece.
Gem Trade word treatment is important to double check, since as per many trade journals, many tend to consider as something bad apart of its entire context. If one wants to seek non heated blue Sapphires, then one must use extreme caution since such are generally very rare. Heat treatment can be seen under microscope. Heat leaves wavy cloudy lines to gem and can be seen under close microscope inspection.
Another aspect with heat is that some real gemstones simply do not or would not exist without treatment process in their jewelry used form. Every natural mined real Blue Topaz in general daily gem trade is treated during natural faceting process. While a hand full of Blue Topaz rough have been found in the world, those are very pale in blue and close to museum display level items. Topaz, in its natural rough form is a dirty white gemstone. Typically Topaz's are treated with heat, radiation, irradiated, diffusion, Azotic coating or with titanium atom. All Mystic Topaz's are Titanium Atom treated in the world and hot pink Topaz's do not exist in non treated form.
It is important to always use caution from any item sold anywhere, wether in retail stores, internet or on Ebay. Any claims of non treated stones today can be often verified false by your local Gemologist. As always, it is recommended to require such in writing and most importantly with full money back guarantee as well as payment protection since such to not exist in regular daily real gem & jewelry trade.
Most real gemstones today are treated one way or another during faceting process prior set into jewelry in daily gem & jewelry trade. While some real gemstones do not require treatments to be cut into jewelry use, such as, Garnet (except Demandoit), Lapis, Spinel, Malachite as a few, some real gem stones simply do not exist entirely without treatments, such as Mystic Topaz, Mercury Topaz, Pink Topaz as a few examples.
All real Topaz's in mystic color are Titanium Atom treated, there is no such thing as non treated Mystic Topaz in the world. Pink Topaz's are Azotic Coated or painted always. There have been some findings in Brazil for pink Topaz rough, yet more in very pale shade, closer to light peach in rough form and not something average person would consider "Pink". All pink and hot Pink Topaz's in the world are otherwise treated, most commonly via Azotic technology ( US Patent 5,853,826 ) While for most people in the trade, regarding, f.ex., Pink Topaz and Mystic Topaz, it is just common sense, that they do not exist without trade approved enhancements, it is even still considered unethical not to clearly state such.
AGTA American Gem Trade Asc and gem trade approved standard real gem stone treatments:
While technology changes daily and new discoveries and new methods are constantly pending AGTA etc approval, we will update list accordingly when applicable. Some standard trade procedures are centuries old, while others are relatively new. You can always contact AGTA today and receive many useful brochures regarding gem trade and todays natural real gems approved trade methods.
Radiation: Gamma rays (cobalt 60 radiation). Gamma rays release electrons from their normal location in the gem.
Oiling: Emerald organic gem materials are placed into a barrel of oil, when it is cut, oil is used as a lubricant on the cutter's lap.
Dyeing: Mainly Onyx. Without dyeing, there would be no black onyx and not a natural color of chalcedony. Color enhancement method of dyeing organic gem materials to disguise poor quality goods
Impregnation and stabilization: Turquoise impregnation - infusion of wax or paraffin into a porous material. Stabilization - introduction of a bonding agent into a porous material. It can bring an improvement in clarity and brightness.
Heat: The most common technique to reduce surface fossils, carbon and other impurities with high degree temperature. "Dirt is burned away" from organic gem material and will improve clarity, color and appearance of natural organic gem material.
Bleaching: Ivory, coral, pearls. Bleaching process of organic gem materials to jewelry use.
Coating: Application over organic gem materials for color change use in jewelry. All Pink Topaz's in the worlds daily gem & jewelry Trade. Most commonly Azotic Coating which is patented method ( US. PATENT 5,853,826 )
Titanium Atom: All Mystic Topaz's are treated with Titanium Atom in the world. Titanium Atom particles are combined with Topaz organic gem material for fire mystique multi color atomic appearance. While often considered common sence in mystic color also considered highly unethical if not disclosed during any gem sale.
Diffusion: Trade approved, but unethical method, if not clearly disclosed. Man made color change to organic gem materials. Beryllium, is infused at high temperatures, and actually penetrated the gems. Please note that in Asia, it is trade approved to just state: Beryllium treated...USA requires term: Diffusion treated. Both means the same.
Lasering: Drilling of small holes into a diamond to provide access to an inclusion which detracts from the beauty of the stone.
Irradiation: Pounding subatomic particles or radiation. Sometimes irradiation is followed by heating. Topaz in all blue shades is the most common example. Although blue topaz occurs in nature, it is quite rare and pale in color. Close to all Blue Topaz's in all shades are treated in daily jewelry & gem trade.
Filling: Filling is used on gems with surface fractures or cavities. Mostly some Diamonds, but can be seen in the trade used also for Rubies.
Thank you.